Awards & Scholarships

Southwest Section AWWA Memorial Scholarship

2024 Award Winners:


Maleah Johnson, Springdale Water – AR

Pierce Weindorf, Central Arkansas Water – AR

Application & Rules


George Warren Fuller Award

Previous Winners

Glen T. Kellogg Leadership Award


Glen T. Kellogg was a professional in every sense of the word. He served the water and wastewater industry with excellence in areas that are far too numerous to mention. He fought hard to maintain the highest quality standards by developing programs and concepts that have proven, are proving, and will prove to be beneficial to the water and wastewater fields of endeavor.


Some 50 years ago, Glen was hell-bent to protect Arkansas’ rivers, lakes, streams, and the public in general—many years before the advent of federal regulations and financing, and well before the words “environmentalist” and “ecologist” were stylish. Glen worked shoulder-to-shoulder with the water/wastewater manager for the benefit of all.


Glen’s farsightedness in developing environmental standards in the late 1940’s gave the State of Arkansas a 30-year head start in dealing with the Safe Drinking Water Act. The vast majority of public water supplies have no problem at all in exceeding the rigid federal regulations. The public water system oversight program at the Department of Health, as developed by Glen, matched so well against the program required by the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act, that virtually no changes were made in the Arkansas program. Arkansas was one of the first states granted the authority to implement the federal standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act.


Glen strongly believed that the waste/wastewater manager should be a well-trained professional and a leader in his community as well as in the water-related organizations such as the American Water Works Association, the Water Pollution Control Federation (now Water Environment Federation), the Arkansas Water and Wastewater Managers Association, the Arkansas Water Works and Pollution Control Association, and others. Glen believed that compliance with drinking water standards could be accomplished best by a cooperative effort between the water utility and the state regulators, and that enforcement was only required if that effort failed.


These principles of Glen Kellogg should not only be remembered, but should remain in existence from now on.


Mr. Kellogg worked diligently with all organizations associated with the water and wastewater field and stood firmly in his beliefs to educate and train the operators who are responsible for our health and safety in these two fields.


Glen was employed by the Department of Health from 1947 through 1980. He served as manager of the state’s public water system oversight program, first as Division Director, and then as Bureau Director, from 1955 through 1977.



Kenneth J. Miller Founder’s Award


The Kenneth J. Miller Founders’ Award was established in 2001 by the Board of Directors of Water For People to honor outstanding volunteer service to the cause of safe water and sanitation around the world.


From its beginnings, Water For People was envisioned to be a volunteer effort of the North American water and wastewater communities. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) leaders who organized Water For People believed that water professionals throughout North America would recognize the urgent need to support such a cause by contributing their financial assistance, organizational skills, and professional expertise. Local groups of water and sanitation professionals launched hundreds of active programs in support of Water For People. As the organization grew and began to accomplish its vision of service, it became evident that extraordinary volunteer efforts were being made at the local level and that this dedicated work needed to be publicly acknowledged and honored.


The search for a model individual to exemplify the value of volunteer service and to underscore the importance of this award led immediately to Kenneth J. Miller of Denver, Colorado, one of the founders of Water For People and its first president.


Ken Miller was a volunteer leader in AWWA and its related organizations for 40 years. He held every office in the AWWA–Rocky Mountain Section and was one of its prestigious Fuller Awardees. His AWWA honors include the Diven Medal for Outstanding Service to AWWA and the Abel Wolman Award of Excellence. Ken is the only person to serve as an officer of AWWA, the Water Research Foundation, and Water For People. Ken was a senior vice president and director of CH2M. He served with Denver Water and the Denver Health Department. Although his entire career was dedicated to public water service, he made time for volunteer work in the Denver Chamber of Commerce, Colorado University, and the Community College of Denver; the National Academy of Science Assembly of Engineers; the American Chemical Society; Christ Congregational Church; the Water Environment Federation, and numerous other social, civic, and educational organizations.


After a distinguished career of national and local service, Ken Miller passed away June 17, 2010. He is an unsurpassed model for those who would aspire to contribute to their community, their professional societies, their country, and needs that exist around the world. That is why Water For People has named the Founders’ Award after Kenneth J. Miller—in the hope of inspiring others to emulate his example of self-sacrificing volunteer service.


Today, the Miller Award is a prestigious accolade for our outstanding champions. From Committee members to Workplace Giving partners, this award recognizes those who dedicate time out of their already-busy schedules to help bring an end to the global water crisis.



John A. Lechner Award


Sponsored by the Manufacturers and Associates Council (MAC), the Southwest Section John A. Lechner (pronounced LECK ner) Award of Excellence recognizes a Southwest Section Service Provider Member who has demonstrated exemplary service to the drinking water community and to AWWA’s mission and goals.  Service provider members include manufacturers, consultants, distributors, sales, contractors, contract operations of water utilities, and partner agencies. The name of the award is derived from John Lechner who was involved extensively in AWWA and was an advocate for the organization’s goals. During his career, he was instrumental in the transition from the Manufacturers Advisory Committee to the current Manufacturers/Associates Council as it is known today. John’s service was recognized by his peers, in his election as the first Chair of this new council. John set the standard for both the dedication and support that manufacturers and associates provide through service in the waterworks industry.



Young Professionals Support Award


The Young Professional Support Award recognizes employers that support young professionals (under the age of thirty-five or less than 10 years in the water industry) growth and development through continuing education, leadership opportunities, involvement in National and Southwest Section AWWA activities, and participation in AWWA committees. These employers also give young professionals pathways of recognition through encouraging conference presentations and publication in professional and technical journals.


Employers may self-nominate. To make the selection process fair, metrics will be used to decide the award recipient. These metrics will be submitted via questionnaire upon nomination. Award winner will be presented the award at the SWAWWA Annual Conference.


Please reach out to Nikki Holloway at for additional information.



6W Award


The "Wonderful Wise Watchdogs Willfully Wielding Water" (6Ws) are awarded each year by the Section's Executive Committee (Chair, Director and Administrative Manager) until there are ten 6W members, after which the 6W Selection Committee shall consist of three 6W awardees appointed by the Section's Executive Committee.  The purpose of the “6Ws” is to have fun recognizing section members who are providing, or have provided, continued outstanding leadership and service to the Southwest Section of AWWA, and to encourage their continued involvement in the future.


Any Section member may nominate another member by submitting the nominee’s name with a brief paragraph indicating the nominee’s contribution to the Section. The nomination should be sent to the Section’s Administrative Manager no later than August 15 of each year.

Each awardee shall be presented with a silver pin in the shape of a water drop, and is expected to wear their 6W pin at each official Southwest Section AWWA event.